Whether you are planning on refinishing a piece of furniture or repairing it there are 3 simple steps that you need to take in order to ensure the outcome that you want:
1) Asses
This first step is really coming up with a game plan – some questions you need to know the answers to.
– What is the extent of the damage?
– What do I want the final outcome to be?
– Is it repairable or do I have to refinish it?
2) Clean & Prep
This second step is one that is easy to skip over or at the very least cut corners. But be warned if you do – it will only lead to problems in the end.
Completely clean the piece with a good cleaner like Simple Green to get rid of all of the gunk and grime. Once clean do any other necessary prep (moving it to the garage, taping off the section for repair, etc…)
3) Repair or Refinish
And the last step is where you get to work on making your furniture look better.
Make sure you do these steps in order to ensure a good result every time!
Until next time – Dan @ Wood Menders
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